A Mother's Weight ✨

A mother's love is a heavy burden to bear

A weight that's carried, with no time to spare

It's a constant worry, a ceaseless fear

A love so strong, it brings tears

With every step, with every fall

A mother's heart beats, through it all

She guides and nurtures, through every stage

And bears the weight, of every age

The burden of love, it grows with each year

As children grow, and shed happy tears

A mother's heart swells, with pride and with pain

As she lets go, and loves again

The weight of responsibility, it presses down

As she works and worries, in this endless town

The burden of care, it takes its toll

As she gives and gives, with a loving soul

But still she carries, this weight with grace

And finds the strength, in a loving embrace

For a mother's love, it knows no bounds

And the burden she carries, is a love profound.

         Done by: Kacian Hamilton.,

                         For: Melecia Edwards.


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